Creative Publications

Theology, Psychology and More

The works posted here aim to contribute something worthwhile to our thoughts on human endeavors, but I don’t consider them suitable for wider publication. This said, you’ll be looking at some of my favorite writings; special care has been taken to dress them in an engaging and well-formatted aesthetic.


[Coming Soon] Smaller Essays, Updates, Informal Thoughts

If you’ve found our site interesting so far, you’ll probably appreciate the occasional update notes and looser tone found here. This blog is on no set schedule, nor is it bound to any topic in particular. Create an account to weigh in on things in the comments!

Ignis Oratorem Materials

[Coming Soon] Join the Fire Speakers' Apostolate

The Ignis Oratorem apostolate seeks to better know and show God’s love through the study and glorifying of The Holy Spirit, The Sacred Heart of Jesus, and cleansing purgative fire. We believe the path to salvation and true freedom in this age of cacophonous excess involves taking custody of our actions, making reparation for our sins, and totally surrendering to God’s infinite justice and mercy.

Here you’ll find writings which support the apostolate; some providing info about Church teachings and devotions, others geared towards bolstering IO members’ evangelization efforts.

Catholic Prayer Books

[Coming Soon] Traditional Selections, Refreshed Styling

These will be thoughtfully formatted collections of prayers from approved sources dating centuries back. Discover striking rubrics for prayerful contemplation enjoyed by millions of souls we hope to one day meet.