Digital Portfolio

Portfolio Exhibition

View snippets of notable design projects undertaken by Indico over the years. With examples from both client projects and works related to Indico itself, you’ll get a sense of our distinctive style and the breadth of our chops.

2019-06 to Present

Website - Laboratory

2019-06 to Present


This website hosts information regarding the Behavioral Neuroscience lab of Dr. Alex Johnson at Michigan State University. Dr. Johnson commissioned me to create the site after I’d been assisting with his research for about half a year. The front page features an integrated video demonstrating optogenetics, a technique wherein we direct lasers into the brains of mice; this technique, including the necessary surgeries, became my specialty. (click here to watch an infotainment video on the subject I produced with the lab)

Scope of Project: was designed from the outset to be a complete information hub for the lab while remaining engaging for the casual visitor. With one click, viewers have access to the lab’s research areas, recent publications, member profiles and events, while an even more concise summary of the above is revealed with a few scrolls or swipes. The images cycling through the homepage present narrow, dynamic slices of the lab experience to evoke the impression of an engaging environment where serious science happens.

2018-09 to 2019-08

CF.AX Version 2.0

Website - Recording studio

Link: [retired]

2018-09 to 2019-08

CF.AX Version 2.0


This website hosted information pertaining to the CFAX project recording studio, which was in public operation from 2015 to 2021. 

Scope of Project:

CF.AX 2.0 was in well into development as a refined and expanded version of the preceding CFAX website, adding an extensive frontpage, sections for lessons and a gear showcase, not to mention a complete aesthetic overhaul and quality-of-life improvements like one-click section navigation. 

The site was never completed because around 2019 the scope of our media efforts decisively expanded beyond audio, so we shifted focus to the site you’re currently browsing before we could add and style anywhere close to everything we had in mind. We have integrated some of the elements from CFAX 2.0 into the Audio Services section of Indico, and our About section features a concise CFAX retrospective.