How did Aura Indico develop?
As your artist has matured in skillset and ambitions, the aims and emphasis of his works have likewise evolved. The names by which his works have come to be known have changed over time to reflect the essence of those efforts actively pursued; Aura is the artist who ties them all together.

I: Cantus Fluere
Aug2013 - Aug2015
In early 2013, Aura began his transition from performance as a French Horn in a concert band and a professional DJ for hire, into audio production. While pursuing a degree in Digital Media at Lansing Community College through their DMAC program, he joined a band and assembled a computer capable of recording the lot all at once, in hopes of avoiding the prohibitive costs of cutting countless demos in a studio.
Time passed, Aura feeling increasingly comfortable in the producer’s chair as his education continued. He began experimenting in his own time, bringing members of his old concert band in to record their own music. As word spread about his setup, it became clear that a broader array of musicians could benefit.

II: CFAX Studio
Aug2015 - Jul 2018
In 2015, Aura decided to build a recording studio instead of buying a car. With the help of multi-instrumentalist Jordan Ruhala and handyman Trybal Wolf, custom wooden diffusers were fabricated, and CFAX opened as a proper studio with Aura at the helm.
A representative from LCC eventually reached out to CFAX for a possible partnership, proposing that the studio take in DMAC program students for internship positions. Aura was still months away from completing the same program, having interned with Glenn Brown Productions months earlier. Aura turned down the offer; CFAX was deviating further from a business model that could offer a traditional studio experience to an LCC student, and the ongoing development of CFAX Curriculum was a conflict of interest between the two parties.

III: Indico Project Studio
Sep2018 - Aug2019
In 2018, Aura transferred into Michigan State University as a Junior in Cognitive Neuroscience and the aim of CFAX adapted to fit. To dive fearlessly into music wrought from the crude viscera of human passion and longing would complement Aura’s newfound obsession with bittersweetness, that gestalt emotion that accompanies our greatest joys and sorrows laden with profundity.
Aurastys, a prolific collector of music and retrofitter of sound reproduction equipment, had long been afflicted with a similar adamantine attachment to this foundation of human affectivity. Following a chance encounter with Aura, he would offer his expertise to CFAX, having heavily influenced its direction and greatly expanded its capabilities.

IV: Indico Media
Aug2019 - Present
In 2019, Aura bit the bullet and invested in a mirrorless camera. Soon after, he discovered Catholicism and met his future wife. With so much meaningful stuff going on, it was providential that Aura could now seek to document it with a greater depth of emotion.
The principle aim of the studio shifted towards photography and media production, and before long, Aura found himself photographing family events, lab outreach videos, baptisms and weddings. In each case, the focus remained fixed on plucking a slice of beauty out of dynamic, organic moments rather than constructing performative moments.
In 2022, Aura enrolled at Holy Apostles College and Seminary towards a Masters in Theology – Thomistic Studies. Much like this professional trajectory, his artistic ambitions are increasingly bound up in his faith.